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8 Jul 2014

Disciples Of Dead Indian Guru Insist He’s Alive, Keep Body In Freezer Till He ‘Awakes’

Can you Imagine a Man dead for almost 6 months but his faithful worshipers refuse to bury him,Shri Ashutosh Maharaj who died of a heart attack in January 2014 leaving £100million fortune, has been kept on ice for 6 Months The body of one of India’s wealthiest gurus has been kept in a FREEZER for six months while his followers argue over whether he is dead or just “sleeping”. 

According to reports from Daily Mirror UK, doctors say that Shri Ashutosh Maharaj, who is in his 70s and has a £100million fortune, suffered a fatal heart attack after complaining of chest pains in January. But his disciples at an “ashram” in the Punjab city of Jalandhar are refusing to release his body for cremation six months on. They say that although he may be clinically dead, he is “alive spiritually” and has just gone into a deep meditative state on the “pathway to self-realisation”. One said: “This is nothing unusual. Medical science does not understand things like yogic science. “He is not dead. His holiness will return to life as soon as he feels it is right. “We will preserve his body until then.” Another added: “He has assured us he will come back.” The guru is head of the Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (Divine Light Awakening Mission) which has more than 30million followers devoted to achieving “world peace”.


Anonymous said...

I hope they know that he is not God and only Jesus came back from the dead. well they will wait in vain.

sandra said...

this is the height of blasphemy

Anonymous said...

lol,Men will believe anything.

Anonymous said...

Shallow Minds.....I cant believe This

Anonymous said...

His Disciples need thorough checkup

Anonymous said...

Oh my God.....These Men have been deceived oooooooo.

Anonymous said...

They better go and bury this Man and stop all this gimmick

Anonymous said...

Double wahala for Dead body