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11 Aug 2014

Sweet Pikin True Life Story: How Do I Regain My Wasted Years?.....

I sat down to fully understand what was happening, I was still in a terrible state of shock, that state of mind and deep feeling of lost in-between choices….My mind went blank for a while….”Oh God this can’t be happening to me, where did I go wrong?” My HOD (head of department) in my university snapped me from my slumber, “Nancy! Nancy!!” He called, “I will advised you write jamb to start afresh with a clean note”. 

I looked up, staring at him in confusion and mixed feelings of whether to hate him of or gain his sympathy, I did not know; all I could remember was that my heart was heavy and emotions deep in sadness. suddenly warm tears started to roll down my eyes. ……Unbelievable after 5yrs in addition to strike nothing to show for it, where do I start from?…I don’t know how I managed to leave my faculty to the hostel…Continue to read after the cut

Where do I go from here. I remembered my Father’s proud look and Mum’s warm embrace before I left Abuja for school…I also remembered my dear father whispered to me…”I am proud of you”, What do I tell them now, that My matric number was fake and the school authorities only realized it now in my 400 level?….

There must be a way out…I can’t go home with a sad story like this. This is about my graduation….It is impossible…….I thought of who could help ….”Obinna, yes Obinna will help me out”, I said to myself 12 times…..The most painful thing is that I have a GPA 3.68 (second class upper)……How can I let go. I called and explained everything to Obinna, though I am not too sure if he can resolve this but what other solution do I have?.

He promised to find out and get back to me asap...I had gone to pick my project topic when my HOD broke the sad news to me….What do I do?….I can’t leave this school without any certificate….One more option, do I go back and write jamb?….God forbid…I need answers desperately.




Anonymous said...

This is really sad....My advice is that you don't do something that will come hunting you back

Anonymous said...

Cheer up Dear ...It is not the end of the world, Start afresh

Anonymous said...

Honestly I believe you should tell your parents the truth

Anonymous said...

Wow...Decide the right path.....Honesty pays at the long run

Anonymous said...

This Nigerian universities that make people go this bull shit....How can a high Institution not detect on time issues.....God help us

Anonymous said...

Horrible experience....I can imagine how you are feeling....But do what is right. You will be happy later

Anonymous said...

Na wa oooo,My advice is that you sort yourself out which ever way....

Anonymous said...

You better don't give your parents HBP, Speak the truth....You sure sey you even school at first

Anonymous said...

Students of nowadays..... I don't understand how your results will be published and you had issues with your mat num.........Something is fishy need to answer you or the university

Anonymous said...

Very Funny....Well get a grip and do what you can to salvage the situation.. If you are speaking the truth....You can sue the institution...It is possible