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11 Aug 2014

Paraplegic Man Takes Matter In His Own Hands And Builds Wheelchair Ramp At His Town Hall.

Samuel Nobile de Oliviera, a 41 year old paraplegic man from Brazil, got sick of the officials promising to build a wheelchair ramp at the town hall and never doing it.
Samuel wasn’t the only one having problems with this. Other folks with wheelchairs in the city were also having a hard time getting in and out of the building. Usually, they had to wait for passersby to help them get inside, which was a big problem when there was nobody around.
So, Samuel took matters into his own hands. He got wood, cement, and water, and went to the town hall. There, he sat on the ground and built the wheelchair ramp himself.

“I had the day off today so I resolved to do this,” Samuel commented about his work. After the ramp was complete, the city officials issued an apology. It might as well have read, “thanks for doing our work for us,” but at least the people in the city can now get into the town hall in a wheelchair, thanks to Mr. de Oliviera. Good work, Samuel – you’re a real hero!


Anonymous said...

Wow....truly a brave heart

Anonymous said...

nothing can limit you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is exceptional

Anonymous said...

Oh my Goodness,he decide to make the change...Kudos

Anonymous said...

Good heart