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7 Aug 2014

Parents Of Triplets Had To Paint Their Toe Nails For Easy Identification

This is so adorable..These cute identical triplets are so alike that,their parents could only identify them by painting their nails with different nail polish.They cry alike, laugh alike and even have the same gestures  ...Mother Karen, 33, said: '
It's not a fashion statement we really struggle to tell them apart.We came up with the nail varnish idea and it works a treat.'It makes life a lot easier when it comes to our daily routine of feeding, bathing and nappy changing.The colour coding helps us to know who has had what! Continue to see more pics after the cut.
They just celebrated their first birthday Baby Ffion has fuschia polish on her toenails, Maddison has mint green and Paige wears purple. 


Anonymous said...

nice idea. laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa outttttt louddddddddd

Anonymous said...

cool stuff. i like twins

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Desirable..mii like triplets oooooo

Anonymous said...

They look so cute oooooo.Love these babies...I want just one

Anonymous said...

Oh my God...This so adorable,make me wanna Cry.....