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11 Sept 2014

Oscar Pistorius Found Not Guilty Of Murder

With court hearing,witnesses being called to the stand for the murder case of  Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine's Day 14th February 2013, 27-year-old Blade Runner" Oscar Pistorius was found not guilty of the murder of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Today 11th Sept.2014 was the final judgement and a South African judge dismissed the most serious charges against him.

"The state clearly has not proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of premeditated murder," Thokozile Masipa said, before dealing with the lesser charge of culpable homicide -- also known as manslaughter.

"Viewed in its totality the evidence failed to establish that the accused had the requisite intention to kill the deceased let alone with premeditation," said Masipa.
 "Clearly he did not objectively foresee this as a possibility, that he would kill the person behind the door," she said as she later dismissed the lesser charge of common murder.
  He could still be found guilty of culpable homicide, carrying anything from a suspended sentence to a lengthy prison stretch, or he could be acquitted.
A charge of premeditated murder would have meant a life sentence in South Africa's notoriously brutal jails.


Anonymous said...

hmmmmm, Ok we are waiting

Anonymous said...

I feel this guy he is going through a lot...

Anonymous said...

God is the best Judge and he only knows the things of the secret

Anonymous said...

Are you guys for real. This man needs to go to prison!!! Period

Anonymous said...

Such a waste

Anonymous said...

May God help him